Season 2
The Evolving Faith Podcast
Episode 18: Benediction
Jeff and Sarah offer a benediction that reminds us of all we’ve learned from our guests through this season of the podcast.

Episode 17: “Ask Us Anything” With Jeff and Sarah
Jeff and Sarah answer questions from the Evolving Faith online community.

Episode 16: “We Could Use Some Resurrection” With Nadia Bolz-Weber
Nadia names Jesus as the Lord of compassion. Afterwards, Jeff and Sarah explore what it means to do the hard work of compassion.

Episode 15: “Are You Prepared To Die?” with William Matthews
William says that America is living in a collective horror story, and he challenges us to name the beast among us. That’s a tall task: Jesus, the liberator, was anointed to die.

Episode 14: Habitual Gratitude with B.T. Harman
B.T. confronts habitual despair with the discipline of habitual gratitude, and encourages listeners to “leave some room for gratitude.”

Episode 13: “We Belong to God,” with Lisa Sharon Harper
Lisa proclaims that we bear the image of God, and are called to steward creation and relationships toward radical wellness.

Episode 12: “I Want You to Know Freedom,” with Jennifer Knapp
Jennifer tells listeners that she fights to hold onto hope that we’re in an age of liberation of the gay voice inside of faith communities.

Episode 11: A Guest in Someone Else’s Story with Eric Barreto
After feeling like he could only belong in the context of whiteness, Eric Barreto discovered that in the wilderness there is belonging, delight, and the unending grace of a God who always has one more seat at the table.

Episode 10: Sacred Mystery and Fierce Love with Kaitlin Curtice
Kaitlin challenges us to look at the ways that colonization has affected all of us—not just those who are oppressed—because we can’t live in denial without our scabs becoming scars.

Episode 9: Remember the Refrain with Cece Jones-Davis
Cece Jones-Davis takes us to the story of the people of God fleeing captivity through the parted waters of the Red Sea. Cece tells us that we are a people on the move, and we still need a chorus.

Episode 8: Let God Love You with Danielle Shroyer
In episode 8, Danielle reminds us that our humanity isn’t what separates us from God, it’s actually what connects us.

Episode 7: The Power in the Story with Jasper Peters
Jasper starts with the question, “What happens when the things we were taught about the Bible don’t turn out to be true?” He discusses how the Bible has been used as a weapon against so many people throughout history and how this same text can be used as liberation for the least of these here and now.

Episode 6: The Geography of God with Sarah Bessey
Sarah takes us to the passage in Matthew 11, where Jesus says if we are weary, worn out, or burned out on religion, that he can show us rest and how to walk in the unforced rhythms of grace. She encourages listeners that Jesus doesn’t judge our weariness and is inviting us to walk with him to see how he moves in the world.

Episode 5: A Story of Suffering with Tanya Marlow
Tanya discusses how her own story of chronic illness doesn’t fit the narrative that the church often tells and how she has learned that “we worship a God that is deeply emotional, moved by suffering, weeps with us, and will one day make all things new.”

Episode 4: A Messy, Mysterious Faith with Pete Enns
Pete tells the story of his own evolving faith and what he learned about being born of the spirit as he wrestled with questions and doubts.

Episode 3: The River of Grace with Jeff Chu
Jeff encourages us to remember that it’s not true flourishing if only some of us are flourishing and ends by reminding listeners, “Your reconstruction is not just for you.”

Episode 2: “Who Told You That You Had To Fit?” with Chanequa Walker-Barnes
In this episode of The Evolving Faith podcast, we hear from Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes as she asks the question, “Who told you that you had to fit?”

Episode 1: A Subsistence Spirituality, with Barbara Brown Taylor
In our first episode of season 2, Barbara Brown Taylor discusses the realities of spiritual wilderness and asks us to consider what it looks like to have a faith lean enough to survive.