Dove ascending in flight


Resources for Spiritual Care, Mental Health Care, and Crisis Care

This list is for informational purposes only. Inclusion on this list is not a wholesale endorsement by Evolving Faith, nor are these the only organizations doing this work. Everyone’s spiritual, mental health, and crisis needs will be different. We invite you to use this resource list in conversation with trusted others as a starting point for discerning your path forward into growth and health.

Person resting head on shoulder

Spiritual Care

Spiritual care can be provided in a number of capacities, in various settings, and by spiritual care professionals including clergy, lay ministers, spiritual directors, and chaplains (who normally work in institutions such as hospitals and hospices, prison and jails, college and universities, airports, and the military). Below are some organizations that provide referrals for spiritual direction (a form of spiritual care) with trained professionals who are certified to offer these services, as well as organizations offering spiritual care or advanced training to social movement leaders. Many spiritual directors will charge a flat or negotiated (sliding-scale) fee for services rendered.

Anam Cara Ministries

Spiritual direction, resources, and events

Ignatian Spirituality Collective

Three MSP-based centers rooted in Ignatian spirituality providing “useful tools for all those seeking to deepen their encounter with the divine and discerning their place in the world”

Transmission Ministry Collective

Online community dedicated to spiritual care and leadership of trans and gender-expansive Christians

Faith Matters Network Movement Chaplaincy Project

Faith-rooted organization offering training for spiritual care providers interested in applying skills to social movements

Spiritual Directors of Color Network Directory

Online database for spiritual directors of color

Trauma Response and Crisis Care (TRACC) for Movements

Trainings and trauma-informed spiritual care for activists and social movements

SDI Companions

Online global database for spiritual directors and companions

The Christian Closet

Virtual coaching, spiritual direction, and psychotherapy at the intersection of LGBTQ+ identity and Christianity

Grey Space

Cohort-based group gathering for those exploring/navigating spirituality/religion


Spiritual direction training and offerings

Two people sitting in chairs talking

Mental Health Care

Mental health care can be provided by a number of disciplines including social work, psychiatry, pastoral counseling, marriage and family therapy, nursing, and psychology. Psychotherapy is a professional behavioral health service that can be provided virtually or in person, in group or in individual settings. Mental health care generally focuses on assisting patients/clients in making internal changes in order to work toward specific goals (for example, symptom reduction, personal growth, or stronger relationships). Below are organizations that provide referrals for mental health care offered by licensed professionals, as well as organizations offering informal networks of peer counseling or support. Many mental health professionals will accept private or public insurance or charge a flat or negotiated (sliding-scale) fee for services rendered.

American Group Psychotherapy Association

Professional organization of group psychotherapists offering resources including a database for group therapists

Eleanor Health

Integrative mental health and substance use treatment provider offering a number of accessible services in multiple states

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Organization offering information, training, and support groups to those with mental illness and their friends and family members

Psychology Today

Online database of mental health professionals, searchable by area, insurance, and specialty

NHS Mental Health

Information about mental health, advice, therapy, and other care and support from the UK National Health Service

Wellness Together Canada

Mental health and substance use website to support people across Canada and Canadians living abroad in both official languages with text support, self-guided programs, education, virtual counseling, and crisis resources

Asian Mental Health Collective

Affinity organization offering resources including a database of Asian therapists

Fireweed Collective

Healing Justice Movement–aligned organization offering workshops, webinars, groups

National Institute of Mental Health

U.S. government agency with information about mental illness and instructions on how to find mental health resources


Online, privately owned company providing paid, virtual mental health services

Canadian Mental Health Association

Advocacy and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive

Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective

Affinity organization offering resources including a database of Black therapists

Latinx Therapists Action Network

Affinity organization offering resources including a database of Latinx therapists

National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network

Affinity organization offering resources including an online database of LGBTQ+ therapists of color

Mental Health UK

UK-wide charity with resources, support, helplines, and more 

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Canada's largest mental health teaching hospital and one of the world's leading research centers in its field, providing information, connections to mental health care professionals, and more

Tight hug with enmeshed arms

Crisis Care

Crisis care is an emergency service created to serve those facing mental health crises and who are in acute need of immediate support. In the United States, while 911 remains available as an emergency number, 988 is specifically for mental health crises and was launched nationally in July 2022. Below are organizations that offer crisis care on a call/text/online chat basis, for a variety of mental health emergency risk situations. These services are offered without charge.

988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline (988)

Run by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), callers are connected to professional supports for navigating suicide and crisis

Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860)

Offering crisis and peer support to trans individuals

Mind (0300-123-3393)

Crisis resources and help lines in the UK (more here)

National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN) (800-656-4673)

National anti-sexual violence organization and hotline

BlackLine (800-604-5841)

Crisis counseling for Black, Brown and Indigenous peoples, providing referrals as needed

Indian Residential School Survivor Hotline

(Toll-free 1-800-721-0066 or 24-hour crisis line 1-866-925-4419)

Crisis counseling as well as emotional, mental, and spiritual development for Indigenous peoples who survived or were impacted by residential schools and their families.